Anyone who knows me, knows that I love re-sale shops, consignment stores, and of course, the Grandaddy of them all.....Goodwill! Thank goodness being "green" is so in these days. It's much cooler to buy second hand because you care about the environment and not just because you are cheap. I have become quite the "environmentalist".
It seems that I am always on a mission for something. This time, I was on a mission to find items for a kids craft area in my newly revamped home "studio" (reveal coming soon).
One quick trip to Goodwill and mission accomplished!! Chair, tray and buckets for around eleven bucks! The little cutie on the right was a bargain too!
Some primer and a couple cans of spray paint later and Big Sister has the perfect place to create masterpiece after masterpiece without being disturbed by Baby Brother.
The table top is a piece of Silestone from an old kitchen island. It has been leaning up against a wall in our garage for about 4 years. I am so glad to find a good use for it. I found the sturdy base (previously a hideous end table) at, you guessed it.......Goodwill for $10.99!
I have been trying for months to come up with a way to showcase my daughter's artwork. She is quite the "arteest". She creates what seems like thousands of precious works of art a day! Finding display space has become a challenge to say the least. There is only so much room on the refrigerator door.
One day at Home Depot I came across these inexpensive pre-cut boards (only $1.45 each). Add close-pins, paint, embellish and voila!
The perfect showcase for her latest creations! Big Sister LOVES her new "studio". Unfortunately for her, Baby Brother does too. He sneaks in every chance he gets. At 14 months, he is not into creating as much as destructing!
The whole project only cost about $35 dollars including paint (and look at all the trees I saved:).
so the color of the chair! what is it? I just picked up a can of Rustoleum's 'lagoon' and I'm so excited to try it!
ReplyDeleteand I had no idea you love all those shops...what have we been doing all these years?!?!!?
oh, and good grief baby brother is so stinking cute!!! look at little punkin standing up!!!
ReplyDeleteIt's hard to top the stairs but, this is the sweetest project. I love the art board and bright blue chair! That may be the cutest helper anywhere!